Doncs... finalitzats els cursos del primer bloc (tots aprovats!) i durant les mini-vacances que teníem (un cap de setmana ¬¬), vam anar "de creuer" a Riga amb uns quants companys.
El viatge és ben simple, i ben habitual aquí a Uppsala i àrea d'Estocolm. Agafes el ferry al port d'Estocolm, passes 17 hores al vaixell (vespre, nit i matí), gaudeixes 5 hores (o menys) de la ciutat, i tornes al ferry, de camí cap a Estocolm altra vegada. No és luxós, ni còmode, ni molt agradable, però surt bé de preu si vas amb prou gent i, almenys, et permet fer una mica de turisme (i comprar alcohol, pels interessats).
A nosaltres ens va tocar viatjar amb el vaixell MS Isabelle, que té història i tot. És bastant vell (25 anys) i no és molt gran. Les cabines més barates (de 4 llits, a la segona coberta, ubicada per sota del pàrking de vehicles) són petites i els passadissos estrets. No és fashion, ni modern, i té un aire rococó bastant cutre, però almenys pots dormir en matalassos, que ja és alguna cosa. I les cabines inclouen lavabo i dutxa, que ja és tot un privilegi.
In English:
So... after finishing the courses from the first block (all passed, yeah!), some friends and I spent our holiday-break (one weekend ¬¬) in a cruise to Riga.
The trip is simple and very common here in Uppsala and Stockholm area. You take the ferry at Stockholm's harbour, spend 17 hours in the ship (evening, night and morning), enjoy the city for 5 hours or less, and go back to Stockholm that same evening. You won't have any luxury, and it is not very comfortable, but it's cheap if you go with some people and, at least, you visit the countries around you (and buy some alcohol, if you are interested in that).
We travelled with the MS Isabelle ship, which even has some history. It is quite old (25 years) and is not very large. The cheapest cabins (4 beds, in the second deck, under the vehicle's parking) are small and the hallways are quite narrow. It is not fashion, nor modern, it reminded me of the Rococo era, but at least we slept in matresses, which is something good. We also had our toilet and shower in the cabin, which I considered a privilege.
In English:
So... after finishing the courses from the first block (all passed, yeah!), some friends and I spent our holiday-break (one weekend ¬¬) in a cruise to Riga.
The trip is simple and very common here in Uppsala and Stockholm area. You take the ferry at Stockholm's harbour, spend 17 hours in the ship (evening, night and morning), enjoy the city for 5 hours or less, and go back to Stockholm that same evening. You won't have any luxury, and it is not very comfortable, but it's cheap if you go with some people and, at least, you visit the countries around you (and buy some alcohol, if you are interested in that).
We travelled with the MS Isabelle ship, which even has some history. It is quite old (25 years) and is not very large. The cheapest cabins (4 beds, in the second deck, under the vehicle's parking) are small and the hallways are quite narrow. It is not fashion, nor modern, it reminded me of the Rococo era, but at least we slept in matresses, which is something good. We also had our toilet and shower in the cabin, which I considered a privilege.